For you, it might have to do with fear, rejection, or anxiety. It might involve uncertainty in your talents or imposter syndrome that tells you everyone else is better. Or you might still be licking your wounds from all that life’s thrown at you.
For me, all of the above are reasons why I’ve been hiding.
Like so many, I have been in a lifelong battle with myself. I have struggled with feelings of unworthiness, waning confidence, unassuredness, and overall displeasure with myself. And I don’t really know why.
I can’t point to a particular moment or a person or circumstance that initiated this mental framework. All I know is that life has been filled with various challenges that have picked away at my being piece by piece.
Because that’s what life guarantees: inevitable troubles.
But if this is life regardless, if we are going to endure life anyway, why do so isolated? No matter how awful I’ve felt or how discouraged I was, I have always believed there is never any honor in suffering, especially alone.
So no more isolating. It's time for hiding to come to an end.
Move forward even in fear. Face the possibility of rejection. Call anxiety a liar to its face.
Trust the talents within. Realize that worthiness is a birthright. Tell imposter syndrome to back the hell off.
And in all of this, heal one day at a time.
If I can muster the courage to write this blog post, even after all this hiding, you can muster the courage to come out of your own secluded hiding place.
Stop hiding yourself away, and start shining for all to see. This way, we’ll shine together.