If you're like me, being bombarded with tasks can quickly go from "handling my business" to "completely overwhelmed". Having a to-do list is cool and all, but some tasks are just daunting no matter how you approach them. It's easy (for me) to start scrambling when one task runs into the next, and before long, the frustration sets in.
Many of us know we need to make a change when it comes to managing our work, chores, or goals. Trust me, I'm there as we speak.
If you didn't see this week's L's&W's then let me tell you: I got a new job! After over a year of searching, I've finally landed a gig that's remote, centered on writing, and with a Black-owned start-up that strives to set the bar. I'm in awe that I'm finally in a place where I can grow, be myself, and show up to work actually wanting to be there.
However, I was stressing more than ever.
I'm talking little sleep, missing meals, and my cat was getting on my last damn nerve! Aside from the new job I was still doing freelance work on the side, juggling a number of medical appointments, and managing the anxieties surrounding all of these.
At one point, I just broke down.
I called my mom in tears because I felt so in over my head. After I vented, she suggested something so obvious that it had somehow missed me all together:
Instead of trying to work with my schedule, what if I made my schedule work with me?
I mean, did I really have to complete every single task on my to-do list in one day?
Did appointments always have to be during work hours?
Was going in without a plan worth the stress later on?
The answer is no.
Were there some boundaries I needed to set with my schedule?
Did I need to be realistic with the goals I set?
Could it benefit me to space out my tasks?
The answer is yes!
Life is stressful, but we have the power to lessen our own load. Realizing I had the power to change this for myself made me better at navigating my tasks, adjusting to my new role, and managing my life as a whole. We all deserve to live with less stress and little mess.
To recap, here are some ways you can tackle tasks efficiently and relieve added stress:
Space Out Tasks
Establish Boundaries
Be Realistic
Consider Your Needs
Schedule What Matters
Let's take back our schedules by taking things one task at a time; we got this!